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Cawker City Community Club

The Cawker City Community Club is a volunteer organization that heads community based events including the annual Cawker City Picnic, Farmer's Market, Trunk-or-Treat, Angel Tree & Christmas Lighting, new business ribbon cuttings and more. 

Meetings are typically held the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at Eberle Studios.


Adriane Moyer, President


PO Box 178

Jessica Wiles, Vice President

Katie Schreuder, Secretary

Colleen Eberle, Treasurer 

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Hesperian Historical Society

The Cawker City Hesperian Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the history of Cawker City and the surrounding area including Lincoln Park and Waconda Springs. 

The Society has recently finished the restoration of an 1884 Public Library which now serves as a City Museum. Currently they are working to restore the 1879 "Ledger" building. 

More Cawker History


Steve Richardson, President

721 Lake Dr. 

PO Box 235

Edgar Wagner, Vice President

Linda Clover, Secretary

Janice Cornely, Treasurer

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Genealogical Society

The North Central Kansas Genealogical Society was organized in September 1977. It is located in the Paris room on the second level of the Cawker City Public Library.

The goal of the Genealogical Society is to continue the collection of family histories and records of the pioneers of our area. The Society provides information on many counties in Kansas with resources from Mitchell, Jewell, Osborne, and Smith counties, including books, cemetery records, newspaper articles, microfilm, and a collection of over 32,000 obituaries. 

Membership is open to anyone interested in preserving our history. 

A public access computer with subscriptions to Ancestry and is avaialble by appointment for visitors and researchers. 


North Central Kansas Genealogical Society, Inc.

P.O. Box 251

Cawker City, Kansas 67430


Cawker City Organziations

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